Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Quick Important Update..

The ultrasound went well yesterday. My mom, dad, and mom Conner were all able to see Adaleigh! YAY! So, the ultrasound measured the baby at around 9 pounds already.. give or take a pound. So I could even have a 10 lb. baby in there, although I can't seem to tell or feel it. Because she's measuring so big, I am going into the doctor's office again to today to talk it over with my doc. She reccommends me rethink being induced because there is a bigger chance of a C-section the longer I wait. Plus, the ultrasound also said my due date was 11-11-07, so if thats true (which it could be because my due date has changed so much), then I am already about a week overdue!

Keep me in your prayers as I talk to the doctor today and make a final decision about what to do. I think it is probably best for baby's health to go ahead and be induced since shes so big, so that most likely will be what we do.

My parents stayed with us last night, and they brought their dog, Baby. Oh, boy! Agape did not like being locked in our room the whole night. He barked quite frequently throughout the night because he knew there was another dog on the other side of that door! Thankfully my parents are out shopping and looking at homes in the area (in case they decide to move up here soon) and they took Baby with them. Agape is doing great now, roaming the apartment and sniffing Baby's cage. I'm going to try to get some good rest since it's nice and peaceful now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, the suspense! You know the only reason moving our trip to the week after Thanksgiving was sorta ok was because it increased our odds of holding your newborn, right? We can't wait until 2008 - it won't be the same! Now get walking, you've got a baby to push out to greet its out of state family coming to visit! (XO)