Today I went to the doctor's again. I was hoping I would've had Adaleigh by now, and wouldn't have to go to the appointment, but still no sign of her arrival anytime soon. I changed my mind about being induced, so I won't be having her before Thanksgiving unless its God's timing and she decides to come on her own. My induction is now scheduled for the latest day my doc said she would reccommend which is November 29th. I am believing that I will not make it that far overdue just because Adaleigh is already measuring pretty big.
For those of you that like details.. my doctor checked me, and I have only dialated 1cm and am 50% effaced. I still have a long way to go! Also, I have another ultrasound today so she can see how the baby is measuring.. my doctor is thinking she is already close to 9 pounds! That's one big baby in there! Other than all that.. I just have to wait and pray a lot.. I know God's got it all under His control and Adaleigh will come it's time. God has a special day and time for her arrival and I am excited to find out when that is.
For now, I'm going to continue walking a lot.. it may not seem like its helping, but it sure feels good to exercise a little and to move around.
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